Be the Dog
I decided to try something a little different today. I was doing my “Rambing to the Robot” routine, discussing some pretty heavy themes in preparation of a more “serious” blog post and my dog came and sat next to me. While contemplating all the existential crises that challenge me, I looked down at him, and he just seemed happy to be sitting there beside me. Like that cartoon of the man thinking about all the things he has to do, while the dog sitting next to him is just thinking about sitting next to him.
And I thought—I would probably be happier if I were more like my dog.
He’s about ten. As far as I can tell, he’s pretty healthy, if a little overweight (he really does lead a good life.) And the reality is that he probably doesn’t have a lot of time left, at least as humans measure it. Four or five years? That’s not a lot of time.
But he doesn’t know that.
And it’s more than simply ignorance being bliss. He’s just in the moment.
And I thought—I’d really like to eat a steak. Or lobster. Or steak and lobster. And why shouldn’t I? (Other than my cholesterol).
The dog would eat the steak.
Be the dog.
Whenever I start to get cold feet about pursuing this author thing, I read or listen to Bukowski’s All the Way. And since I was already rambling to the robot, I said—hey robot, be the dog, eat the steak. Let’s write a poem in the style of Bukowski on that theme.
And this is what we came up with…
Be the Dog
don’t wait for permission,
don’t sit there wondering if it’s the right time,
don’t overthink,
don’t hesitate.
if the steak is on the plate,
eat it.
if the sun is shining,
if there’s love in reach,
take it.
because one day the steak will be gone,
the legs will be slow,
the love will dry up,
and the only thing left will be
the weight of all the things
you didn’t do.
don’t be the fool waiting for meaning.
don’t be the coward waiting for the right moment.
don’t be the poor bastard who dies with a full plate,
a restless heart,
and nothing but regret.
be the dog.
eat the steak.
die happy.
(Note: Grammarly detects no plagiarism and 0% AI content.)
I know some of y’all have mixed feelings about the AI thing. I do, too. But again, this wasn’t serious work. This was just for fun.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Until next time—Be the dog.
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